dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Destined To Make It - Gwendolyn Joyce Williams

destined to make it - gwendolyn joyce williams
destined to make it - gwendolyn joyce williams

“Destined to Make It” is the story about how this writer fought and overcame tremendous odds that would have sidelined many before the fight began. This book was birth through me because of my many life experiences that crippled me and had me bound for years. My drive and desire not to be held by my past propelled me forward. My desire is to reach women that are held by their past, and are afraid to let go of what has held them bound for years. I pray as you read my story that you will begin to take courage, move out of your situation and move forward. We cannot control what others do to us, but we can control how we handle the situation. Take control, and Remember, the battle is not yours but it’s the Lords.


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