samedi 17 septembre 2011

Evaluating Campaign Quality: Can The Electoral Process Be Improved? (communication. Society And Politics) - L. Sandy Maisel

evaluating campaign quality: can the electoral process be improved? (communication. society and politics) - l. sandy maisel
evaluating campaign quality: can the electoral process be improved? (communication. society and politics) - l. sandy maisel

"Maisel, West and Clifton present a thorough, multi-faceted, and ultimately highly sobering assessment of campaign reform. Campaign quality might be improved with systemic change that fundamentally alters the incentive structure operating on candidates and their consultants, but more modest reforms appear almost certain to fail."
-Jeffery Mondak, University of Illinois

"The desire to reform our political campaigns to improve the quality and discourse is high and enduring. Reformers have not lacked ideas or programs to do so, and many have been implemented in different states and localities around the country. The efforts have been admirable-- but the real question is not whether reforms like candidate forums or voluntary codes of conduct have been implemented, but whether they work. The authors of Evaluating Campaign Quality, all top-flight political scientists, have done the hard and systematic work to see what works and what doesn't. The findings are sobering, but with real take-home value for candidates, campaign consultants, scholars and voters alike. Anybody involved in campaigns or interested in democracy will benefit from this book."
-Norm Ornstein, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute

"L. Sandy Maisel, Darrell West, and Brett Clifton show a keen understanding of the fundamental motive underlying the behaviors of political candidates and consultants: the desire to win. They also understand the lack of interest that most citizens have in politics. They exhibit a refreshing skepticism about the more high-flown aspirations of reformers, without entirely giving up on the possibility of improving campaign discourse and thereby improving the quality of American elections."
-Richard Skinner, Allegheny College, Perspectives on Politics


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