lundi 19 septembre 2011

Maggie Bean Stays Afloat - Tricia Rayburn

maggie bean stays afloat - tricia rayburn
maggie bean stays afloat - tricia rayburn

She was no longer the boring girl who hid in her bedroom eating mounds of chocolate every night. She was the new and improved Maggie Bean, and she was going to do her best to convince Peter Applewood that she was the girl for him.

At the end of her tumultuous year, Maggie Bean is a very happy, healthy girl. After months of Pound Patrollers attendance, diet, and tough swim workouts, the scale now reads 146. But Maggie isn't resting on her laurels - she's got a busy summer ahead. Not only is she new and improved, but she's decided now is the right time to tell Peter her true feelings.


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